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Life Changing Resources!

I'm so excited to be able to share with you these inspirational and motivational tools and resources that you can start implementing TODAY to embrace your authenticity and start living your life with true freedom, creativity & self-expression!


48 Inspirational Insights for Wise Women

Get Your Complimentary Collection of 48 Inspirational Quotes to Live Authentically, Today!

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💫LOA and what it means to me and how to use it consciously. What the heck is it and why is a lot of people talking about it? To my understanding and experience, it is an unwritten law of energy. Every single thing you think about, you bring about. It all depends on whether you are conscious of it, or not. Thats the key that I’ve learned, get really present so you notice your thoughts, therefore, you can create a better reality. If your life is going amazingly and everything seems to just lineup and fall into place, keep doing that. If not, stop learn to breathe so you focus on your breath and observe your subconscious thoughts. Thoughts are just beliefs that maybe yours or maybe they’re not your beliefs. Enquire with yourself where they came from, your parents, school or society. Or perhaps they are just the meanings that you’ve attached to experiences you’ve had. The great thing about believes is you can change them in an instant when you’re aware of them. That to me is the Law of Attraction. I have a free Meditation #101 learn to meditate through learning to breathe group. Let me know if you would like to access to the tools that I learned and continue to learn. This group is to share the tools I have learned along my journey, that have bought me calm in a storm, and to breathe in LIFE fully. The funny thing is, I learned to meditate by accident....if you believe in accidents 🙂 I was gifted a book called Instant Calm - by Paul Wilson for a wedding anniversary present (do you think he was telling me something) and while I was reading it, not only did I become calm because I learned to breath fully...and meditate 💕 Little did I know back then, this would be the key tool I needed to navigate the abyss of divorce and life in general. I've been meditating most everyday now for 20 years...and it is literally like breathing for me. My intention is to share my practice, tips and techniques to enhance your amazing living so you can go from the sometimes manic monkey mind chatter, to a space of calm where you lead your thoughts rather then them leading you... Enjoy the journey with me and share where you are now and when you desire to go. 💙LuLu

Daily Inspiration

"There is always light.
If only we are brave enough to see it.

If only we are brave enough to be it!" 

- Amanda Gorman - 

Daily Inspiration


"Little by little, day by day.

What is meant for you, will find its way." 

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